Do You Need A New Beginning !!

Do You Need A New Beginning !!

It’s a new beginning for the children. They are adapting to the school environment. They will meet new adventures, new friendships, and new challenges. The child must walk on their path, but don’t worry. Our love will be the light to guide you through the...

The history of Early Childhood Education:

☘️1)The roots of early childhood education go as far back as the early 1500s, where the concept of educating children was attributed to Martin Luther (1483-1546). Back then, very few people knew how to read and many were illiterate. Martin Luther believed that...

“感官越敏锐,来自于环境的情报和反馈就会越准确,智力发展就越有效。” ~~蒙台梭利教室的感官区介绍~~

今天要向大家介绍一下,蒙台梭利教室的感官区。 在蒙台梭利工作材料中,感官区的教具第一眼看过去是最像玩具的,事实上很多市面上的益智玩具最初都受到了蒙台梭利的启发。感官教具为孩子提供的探索空间和吸引力是无可比拟的。但它也常常是被误用最多的材料。它需要导师对孩子使用材料工作的状态有一个准确的判断,懂得什么时候需要重新演示材料和重新引导,也要懂得什么时候让孩子大胆尝试。 感官教育的目的...


The Theories Behind A Montessori Education One might wonder what exactly is the difference between a Montessor education compared to others and what so special about it. While it has been around for quite some time, it seems to have found the most relevancy now more...