About Sophie Lee 李淑仪 ソフィー・リー

Since 1994, Sophie Lee has 26 years of professional working experience in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education. She has managed and taught at numerous preschools in Taiwan and Malaysia after completed her teaching practice in United State of America and Australia.
Currently she is the Principal Director and Adviser of Green Meadows Montessori Primary School and Country Heights Kindergarten, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. The Director, Author at Gu Ru Ku Hornbill Publisher. She has been a Columnist on Child Development at Jiao Zong, Subsidiary Magazine of “Hai Zi”. Recently she is appointed as the Industrial Advisor of “Diploma in Early Childhood Education” at New Era College University, Kajang. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia。
Sophie Lee graduated with a Bachelor of Art, major in Philosophy and minor in Chinese Literacy at National Taiwan University (Taiwan), A Master degree in Early childhood Education at Madonna University (USA). She obtained the Montessori Teaching Diploma(3-6) from MWEI, (USA). She is also a Certified Practitioner on Sex Education from Shu-Te University Graduate School of Human Sexuality, (Taiwan).
自1994年开始踏入幼教行列,李淑仪拥有廿六年在蒙特梭利幼儿教育领域的教学与管理的经验,她曾在台湾,马来西亚的教室任教,也曾在美国与澳洲实习。2012年她被马来西亚 吉隆坡加影新纪元大学学院委任为幼儿教育系的业界顾问,马来西亚教师总会旗下教育杂志<孩子>专栏作家之一。她曾受访于马来西亚多家电视台及电台。
李淑仪毕业于台湾大学哲学辅中文系学士,美国圣母大学幼儿教育管理硕士。她拥有的专业教师文憑为美国 MWEI 蒙特梭利(3-6岁)教师执照, 曾修读中华民国 台湾 幼儿教育改革研究会 中文蒙特梭利课程。台湾树德大学性教育研究所颁发的合格性教育指导老师。
現在は、マレーシアのGreen Meadows Montessori Primary School and Country Heights Kindergarten(グリーン・メドウズ・モンテッソーリ小学校とカントリー・ハイツ幼稚園)の校長であり、園長でもあります。また、Gu Ru Ku Hornbill Publisher(出版社)のディレクターであり著者でもあります。また、子どもの発達について書いてもいます。最近は、マレーシアのクアラルンプールにあるNew Era College University(大学)での幼児教育における学位習得についてのアドヴァイザーにも任命されています。
ソフィー・リーさんは、台湾の国立台湾大学(National Taiwan University)で、哲学を主専攻し、中国語を副専攻し、学位を取得しました。アメリカのマドンナ大学(Madonna University)で、幼児教育において修士号を取得しました。さらに、アメリカのMWEI(Montessori World Educational Institute モンテッソーリ世界教育研究所)からMontessori Teaching Diploma(モンテッソーリ指導免状)を取得しています。また、台湾のShu-Te University Graduate School of Human Sexualityからは、性教育における公認プラクティショナーとして認められています。
なお、子どもは2人(2020年現在、22歳と20 歳)います。
Sea Turtle Here We Come(うみがめがやってくる)
Rainforest surprise(驚きの雨林地帯)
Mangrove forest(マングローブの森)
Sun bear(マレーグマ)
Professional Achievement 学历
台湾 高雄 树德科技大学 性学教育研究所认证 合格性教育讲师
Certified Practitioner on Sex Education
Shu-Te University Graduate School of Human Sexuality (Taiwan)
2006 美国 MWEI蒙特梭利教师(3-6)执照
Montessori Teaching Diploma (3-6)
Montessori World Education Institute (USA)
美国 密西根州 圣母大学 幼儿教育管理系硕士
Master of Science in Administration, Childhood Education Leadership
Madonna University (USA)
台北 蒙特梭利理想园 中文蒙特梭利教师 课程
Mandarin Montessori course
Haven Montessori School (Taiwan)
台湾 国立大学 哲学 辅 中文 学士
Bachelor of Art, major in Philosophy and minor in Chinese Literacy
National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
Formal Secondary Education
Chung Hua High School (Seremban,Malaysia)
Career Achievement 经历
2014-to date
Principal, Director and Adviser for Green Meadows Montessori Primary School
*成立蒙特梭利教育混龄班 (6-12)
Established the Mix ages Montessori Primary School in Malaysia.
2012-to date
*吉隆玻 加影新纪元大学学院委任为幼儿教育系的业界顾问
The Industrial Advisor of “Diploma in Early Childhood Education” at
New Era College University, Kajang. Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.
2000-to date
*绿野蒙特梭利幼儿园 园长、董事、顧问
Principal, Director and Advisor for Country Heights Kindergarten
*成立马来西亚教育局承认之蒙特梭利教育混龄班 (3-6)
Established the principle of Mix ages Montessori Kindergarten in Malaysia
Which recognized by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia.
Conducts Parenting Program
Conducts In-House Teachers Training Courses
Organizes International ethnographic trips to China, Taiwan, Singapore ,
Japan and India.
2005-to date
*董,教总华文教育机关 新纪元学院 幼教系 兼职讲师
Part-time lecturer for Early Childhood Education
Dong Jiao Zong Chinese education authorities, New Era College University
*2005-2009: 执教共同选修科目”情商与人生“
: Coaching a common elective subject “Emotional Intelligence”
*2010-to date: 执教幼儿教育系专业必修科目“幼儿发展”
: Coaching for the Department of Early Childhood Education,
core subject “Child Development”
*2016-to date : 执教幼儿教育系专业选修科目“社区与学校”
: Coaching for the Department of Early Childhood Education,
elective subject “Community and School”
*2018-to date : 执教幼儿教育系专业选修科目“儿童文学”
: Coaching for the Department of Early Childhood Education,
elective Subject “Children’s Literature”
*新世纪学院MCI国际文凭蒙特梭利教学计划 教学实践导师/分班导师
Teaching Practice Tutor/ Placement Mentor
MCI International Diploma in Montessori Pedagogy Programme
Segi College University Subang Jaya
2007 to date
*CMI 国际中文蒙特梭利协会 理事
Council Member
CMI International Chinese Montessori Association
2008- to date
*教总附属孩子杂志专栏 撰写人
Columnist on Child Development
Jiao Zong, subsidiary Magazine of “Hai Zi”
2009- 2012
*犀鸟咕噜酷出版社 犀鸟咕噜酷出版社 董事, 作者
Director and Author
Gu Ru Ku Hornbill Publisher
2009- to date
*台湾性教育学会 认证 马来西亚合格性教育讲师
Certified Speaker for Taiwan Sex Education Association
Experiences, Presentations, Representative & Invited Speakers for:
2019 March
*新加坡 Inno Montessori Preschool 教师培训 及家长分享会
Inno Montessori Preschool ,Invited trainer and speaker for
teachers and parents workshop with topics:
“Getting ready for primary school”
“What and How to prepare the mind? Build right habits,
Develop abilities with life long benefits “
Selangor, Setia Alam Mayfield Kindergarten,
马来西亚沙亚南,福田幼教中心,亲职教育讲座,谈“幼小衔接” Invited speaker for the topic of “Connection from Kindergarten to Primary school”
MRC KIDS, Kepong, Invited Speaker for the topic of
22nd Oct Japan Osaka,Sharing stories and experiences with the topic of ‘Collaboration of Music and Picture Books’, at Hotarugaike City Hall in Toyonaka City
23rd Oct Osaka , Aoyamadai-Bunko (Private Library) Communicated and read picture books to Japanese children.
24th Catholic Kindergarten : Ohtaru Kirisuto Youchien Montessori Kindergarten in Itami City : connected and read picture books with Montessori children.
25th Invited by Osaka Chiyoda College to share and read pictures books with young kids.
2018 May
Green Meadows Montessori School and Country Heights Kindergarten
Signing a friendly cooperation agreement with New Era University College of
Early Childhood Education,Malaysia
*新加坡 Inno Montessori Preschool 教师培训 及家长分享会
Inno Montessori Preschool ,Invited trainer and speaker for
teachers and parents workshop with topics:
“What is the genuine Montessori education?” and
“How to develop children’s concentration? “Singapore
*台湾 高雄 新庄幼儿园 邀请 囯际蒙特梭利协会培训师 培训计划主导人分享
“发现儿童吸收性心智” Md Neelima Mhaskar 女士 英语翻译
Translator for Md Neelima Mhaskar. The AMI “Train for trainer”
Project instructor, sharing Philosophy of Maria Montessori
teaching approach.Taiwan
*中国广西师范大学教育学部 第一届独秀学前教育国际论坛—
Normal University Department of Education professional Speaker for
First Global Chinese regional picture book Education Forum, with
800 participants
Guangxi , Gu Ling, China
*中国福州 海外地区 幼儿园教师研习班 随团老师
Oversea Chinese affairs committee of oversea recruit camp, Fu Zhou, China
2017 May
香港 国际蒙特梭利协会 3-6岁 蒙特梭利 文化教育 培训 分享儿童文学
Invited speaker for CMI ( Chinese Montessori International) on
“Montessori culture syllabus Sharing literacy in Malaysia.” Hong Kong
2016 *马来西亚 巴生 妈妈故事协会 邀约 谈“轻松松松悦读情”
Share children picture books with Klang Mother Association
“How to read story books with Joy” Klang ,Malaysia.
2014 *马来西亚创价幼儿园 教学交流 讲师
Speaker: Parenting Talk at SOKA Kindergarten Selangor, Malaysia
*印度 班加罗尔 蒙特梭利协会联办教师培训课程
Join with India Montessori training centre (IMTC)
Conducted workshop for teachers India, Bangalore.
2013 April
*马来西亚 沙巴 美里 师範大学与350位 中文系学生分享三天 儿童文学课程
Key notes speaker to conduct Children Literacy with 350 students from
Miri, Sabah, Malaysia Normal University.
*加影育华中小学举办 父母亲讲座<明明白白孩子心,请轻轻松松父母情>
Key note speaker: Parenting Sharing
at SJMC Yu Hua schools Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
*马来西亚 蒙特梭利协会 主讲儿童文学与绘本 <从讲故事人到写故事人>
Invited Speaker for MAM on
“From Story Teller to book writer” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2012 January
Invited Speaker from Wen Xuan, The MINES International books fair on
“Sea Turtle Here We Come” Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
*中国 南京, 北京《东方娃娃》杂志社 主办首届全球华语地区绘本教育论坛 主讲专家
Host for <> Magazine Publisher Professional Speaker for
First Global Chinese regional picture books Education Forum
Nan Jing and Beijing, China
*台湾 云林 脚踏车绘本走读计划 介绍马来西亚特色,计划参与者
A participating planner at the Taiwan Yunlin,
picture book commuting plans to introduce Malaysia Culture, Yun Ling ,Taiwan.
2011 November
Southeast Asian Chinese Kindergarten Director Training, China
*台湾全国故事人年会 马来西亚代表 谈马来西亚 本土绘本
A Representative for Malaysia to talk about Malaysia Picture book
in Taiwan’s National story annual conference, Taiwan
2010 May & November
*马来西亚 柔佛南方学院 及 槟城 大山脚 日新中学 举办推广阅读活动主讲人
A Speaker for Malaysia Organizing events to promote reading activities
in Southern University College,Johor &
Jit Sin High School,Penang
2009 *5G频道 绘本教学 答客问
Panellist for 5G channel picture books teaching Q&A
“The Village photo exhibition “Peripatetic storytelling activities involved in Selangor, Malaysia
2008- to date
*12届蒙特梭利家园 父母成长班 主讲者
Speaker of the sixth the Montessori homeland parents grow classes,
Kajang, Selangor.Malaysia.
*中华民国侨务委会对海外招收 马来西亚 地区 华侨幼教教师研实班 团长
Malaysian Leader for Taiwan’s Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of the
overseas recruit Camp,Taipei,Taiwan.
Invited speaker for East Malaysia Sibu Trade Exhibition Center Book Fair,
2006- 2011
Guest speaker for AIFM radio on Children Development, Malaysia.
*新世纪学院 国际中文蒙特梭利交流会 讲师
Speaker at The International Mandarin Montessori Exchange Program,
Segi College,Kuala Lumpur ,Malaysia.
*0-8岁 幼儿教育 OMAP全球大会 分享 马来西亚热带雨林专题。
OMAP International Congress (0-8 years old)
Shared the topic of ”Discovery of Rainforest in the Montessori classroom”
Australia Melbourne.
2003 *台湾侨务委会对海外招收 幼教老师研习营团长
Malaysian Leader for Taiwan’s Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee of
the overseas recruit Camp, Taipei, Taiwan.
1998 *开办十堂 儿童哲学课
*Conducted 10 lessons of Children Philosophy with 15 students, Country Heights
1997 May-July
Intern teacher at University California Los Angeles’s Experiment kindergarten
广播/电视/ 网路多媒体演示
Please refer to the related websites below:
2018 February
*AIFM 电台 聊新年育儿锦囊
Parenting Tips during Chinese New Year.
*马来西亚 电台 MELODY FM与主持人与翠玲(Chui Ling)和林震前(Jentzen)谈:
Sharing topic of “How to release Pacified” with Melody FM, ASTRO
Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia.
2017 December
*Melody Fm 谈什么是新概念教育?申论翻转课堂,传统教育的改革。
Sharing topic “What is new concept of Education?” with
Melody FM, ASTRO Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia.
2012 *马来西亚 本土绘本创作 介绍
Introduction of Local Picture Books – From Story teller to books writer
Astro AEC 孩子系列,介绍萧柔生活与喜欢画画过程。
Interview the young writer Rozanne.
About Children
Tadika Sri Puncak Country Heights Kindergarten Montessori Apporach in Malaysia
马来西亚 绿野幼儿园 蒙特梭利教育理念访谈
Tadika Sri Puncak Country Heights Montessori Kindergarten Philosophy
Newspaper and Magazine