03- 9010 0185 / 012 - 223 6176 / 010 - 219 3812 greenmeadowsmontessori@gmail.com
Graduation Ceremony in the Clouds!!

Graduation Ceremony in the Clouds!!

Montessori Kindergarten & Primary School ′′ Spread your wings Graduation ceremony in the clouds            Due to the influence of the epidemic, I can't hold my graduation ceremony this year as usual, In order not to leave regrets for the kids to graduate. We...

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Memorable Photo Frame!!

Memorable Photo Frame!!

This year, two students will graduate from elementary, and it is an extraordinary moment for us. Due to the pandemic, students can take photos separately from their homes. We didn't want this tradition to stop because of the pandemic; therefore, we decided to make a...

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Science in Montessori !!

Science in Montessori !!

Science in Montessori introduces children to advanced topics in the early years, preparing them for a lifetime of discovery. Topics range from how the world began to the basic principles of astronomy, botany, chemistry, physics, and zoology. At the same time,...

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Are we able to undo the pollution?

Are we able to undo the pollution?

We learnt about pollution through the online lessons. The question asked to the children was; Are we able to undo the pollution? This question for younger children was tough to answer as they needed to know what water pollution is? I played the video about what is...

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“Saya Anak Malaysia!”

“Saya Anak Malaysia!”

This national day is different. On the eve of the National Day, the children are celebrating the National Day online in a happy mood ′′ I'm a Malaysian Child !." Singing the national anthem with the kids on the line, it's the first time! And from the epidemic until...

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Wholistic Approach to Parenting

Wholistic Approach to Parenting

1. “Help me to help myself.” 2. “The simplicity or imperfection of external objects often serves to develop the activity and the dexterity of the pupils.” 3. “To give a child liberty is not to abandon him to himself.” 4. “To assist a child, we must provide him with an...

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Purpose of Sensory Education

Purpose of Sensory Education

One is cognizance of materiality; Second. the development of sensory perception; The third is to help th e concept formation; Fourth is the foundation of building logical thinking ability; Fifth is the direct purpose of cultivating hand-eye coordination,...

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How Mountains are Formed?

How Mountains are Formed?

Learning is like unrolling the string...the more you've unrolled the more you will realize how's everything is interconnected and related...Children learn about "How Mountains are Formed" in last week Geography lesson, they've realized that the formation of mountains...

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Math is Everywhere!

Math is Everywhere!

It's true; math's is everywhere, and learning about it doesn't happen just at school or nursery. Young children have lots of critical mathematical experiences every day, and there are many ways to help them begin to develop their mathematical skills. We all use math's...

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