Focus is a precious trait that drives human progress.

For children, focus is the foundation of their lifelong development. A strong ability to concentrate lays the groundwork for lifelong learning and future achievements. Children naturally develop focus when engaged in activities that are meaningful for their self-construction. They tend to repeat these activities to fulfill a particular aspect of their self-growth.

However, many children experience disruptions from adults, causing their focus to be repeatedly fragmented. This often leads to signs of inattention and hyperactivity.

In Montessori education, nurturing children’s focus is a crucial educational goal. In the classroom, I can feel the energy field of their self-development. Through the lens, I observe and capture moments of children deeply engaged in their work.

When I photograph them up close, they remain immersed in their tasks, unbothered by the sound of my shutter. Some children notice me, glance up and down, then return to their work.

🦋 Week 5 of the First Learning Phase
🦋 Focus
🦋 Butterfly Class

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