Shibori dye…in the house!

Shibori dyeing technique is surprisingly easy (and very fun) to do with children and it’s been so addictive and fascinating that children didn’t want to stop! But what is shibori dye? No Shibori is a Japanese dyeing technique that typically involves folding,...


👵Maria Montessori 于1952年5月6日因病在荷兰阿姆斯特丹与世长辞,享年82岁。 ❤️今天是她老人家逝世66周年纪念日。❤️ 🙏谢谢她在我短短23年的幼教生涯中,⭐️启发我相信孩子本性喜欢学习与工作,⭐️并能自我完成自己的成长历程,老师们从中设计与准备环境,让孩子们掌握各种技巧! 👶帮助孩子们走向独立,是教育唯一的路… 父母亲们若了解其中道理,教养态度则不再被扭曲! ❤️若爱孩子,请观察自己的亲生孩子、跟随孩子,了解孩子。 Montessori 教育的几项重点如下:...

The Spirit of Science in Montessori Primary

The interest in nature is a natural thing in all human being since the birth of man. Children have a great natural instinct in nature and this will lead to the pure joy children interest in biology. We knew that science are very important in our daily life and...